Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blog Post 9

Colonial Expansion
What came to my mind when thinking of a building that represents colonial expansion to the United States is that of cathedrals.  This is cathedrals in general of all kinds.  In the United States there are many old churches that resemble the same general structure as that of the cathedrals in England.  They used to the same tall pointed like structure giving it a great sense of height.  In my opinion they both have a very dark and distinguished feel to them.  Also they were used for the same religious purposes.  I think that the US may of copied this type of cathedrals because when our country was first getting started we had nothing else to go off of, there for we did what had already been done because that is safe.

This is a cathedral in England.

This is a cathedral in the United States.

For the colonial expansion from the United States to many other countries is that of the sky scrappers that we have in our country.  They were first started to be able to accommodate lots of things in one building without taking up a large portion of the landscape.  Therefor, instead of making buildings so wide in these large cities, they decided to build upward making the buildings go toward the sky more and more, calling them "skyscrapers".  They are used in large cities where land is very valuable.  Other countries began using this same idea when constructing a new building.  It is still used in America today as well as in every other large city around the world.  It is also said that the taller the building the more powerful and more prominent it is.

These are skyscrapers around the world.

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